Blog Entries, Stories, and Pages: What's the Difference?

chad's picture

The primary difference between each is the content type is the nature of content presented.

  • Blog Entries are written from the point of view of an individual and are similar to personal journal entries or editorials.
  • Stories are like newspaper articles. Company or organizational announcements and press releases are good examples.
  • Pages contain general information about your organization or provide a collection of resources (ex. "About Us", "Services", etc.). Typically, 2 tablespoons creates an initial set of Pages for you to fill in, edit, or expand. New pages are rarely, if ever, added after site launch.

Another difference is how and where each content type is displayed. Each content type consists of a title and a body of text. Each can include images, links, and have attached documents.

  • The latest Blog Entries and Stories are typically listed on the home page in chronological order.
  • Pages are typically linked to from your site's main menu.
  • Stories and Blog Entries display author and date posted information while Pages do not.