About 2 tablespoons

2 tablespoons is Chad Kieffer's professoinal web site. We are similar to a catering service, except we deal with communications, not food. Amy and Chad met while working at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the communications department. Amy wrote and edited technical documents, marketing materials, web sites, and science museum exhibits. Chad designed brochures, technical illustrations, animations, CD ROMs, and exhibits before moving on to developing web sites and applications. Together, Amy and Chad have over 20 years of experience in communications.

2 tablespoons was born in February 2000. Chad had been thinking about purchasing a domain name for some time but just couldn't come up with a memorable name that would stick with people. Eventually the thought (and taste) of all the great food Amy created at home came to mind. The process of bringing each element together in the proper amount, at the proper temperature, for just the right amount of time, and knowing what flavors appeal to which palettes is no different than combining written and visual communication elements. We work to appeal to the senses while providing sustenance.