Gallery 2 Released, New Gallery Web Site
Congratulations to the Gallery Team on the final release of Gallery 2! Gallery 2 is the culmination of thousands of hours of developers' work over the past 3 years and is the best online photo album manager available today.
I've been working with the Gallery Project on and off over the past year and a half providing interface design and cascading style sheet support. My efforts focused on the development of Gallery 2's default theme, Matrix. Specifically, I made contributions in the areas of CSS coding, improvement of structural and semantic HTML markup, and the search interface.
In addition to the final release of Gallery 2, the project web site received an upgrade and face lift. The previous PostNuke powered web site had served the project well but required significant effort to maintain. The phpBB forums were the workhorse of the site but not tightly integrated into the main PostNuke framework.
Drupal was chosen over Mambo and Xaraya as the new CMS to power the site and I provided design consulting services to the effort and am currently working to refine the site's style sheets.
I'm also working to integrate Gallery's new Mediawiki-powered documentation interface with the main site's interface to provide a consistent interface throughout. I also hope to crank out a theme or two during the coming months, stay tuned!