Twitter Module for Gallery 3: Share Your Photos, Movies, and Albums with your Followers

I've just packaged and posted the final 1.0 release of a Twitter module for Gallery 3. Share photos, movies, and albums with your Twitter followers, directly from Gallery. Give it a try!


  • Send Tweets directly from Gallery
  • Failed Tweets saved for subsequent attempts
  • Integrates with module to shorten item URLs

Support, Bug Reports

Please post problems, questions, and comments to


  1. Download the module and unpack the module to your Gallery 3 modules directory
  2. Enable the module via Admin > Modules
  3. Register your Gallery with Twitter
    1. Application Name: My Awesome Gallery (cannot contain 'Twitter')
    2. Description: Short summary of your Gallery (optional)
    3. Application Website:
    4. Organization: Your name or company
    5. Application Type: Browser
    6. Callback URL:
    7. Default Access Type: Read & Write
    8. Application Icon: Use the Gallery or your site logo
  4. Configure the module at Admin > Settings > Twitter
    1. Enter the Twitter Consumer Key and Secret provided by Twitter
    2. Edit the Default Tweet. The following replacement tokens are available:
      1.  %type: photo, movie, album
      2.  %title: The item's title
      3.  %description The item's description
      4. The full item link or shortened URL is then appended to this.

User OAuth Verification Process

Registered Gallery users will be prompted to allow Gallery to send
Tweets on their behalf the first time they select "Share on Twitter."
This is a one-time verification valid until the user revokes access for

Also available via Git in gallery3-contrib


version 2

  • Display Twitter profile/follow links on Gallery user profile pages.
  • Provide "Share on Twitter" for anonymous users.
  • Display item (re)tweets.


2011-05-19 - 1

  • No change from 1 beta2.

2011-03-15 - 1 beta2

  • Allow users to change from one Twitter account to another from their profile page.
  • Compose Tweet JavaScript widget fixes to read default options, accept custom widget options.
  • Disable the "Tweet" button if the message is over 140 characters.
  • Truncate default tweet values longer than 140.

2011-02-15 - 1 beta1


Twitter OAuth support courtesy of Abraham Williams' awesome TwitterOAuth PHP library.
