
eBooks, Academic Publishing, and Drupal

I recently completed development of a web site for Anne Fitzpatrick, a friend and scholar. Anne studies and works on international collaborations in computing, American and Russian nuclear weapons, and science and technology policy and culture.

For the past eight years, Anne and her colleagues have been busy translating and editing Pioneers of Soviet Computing by Boris Malinovsky. University and commercial publishing companies refused to publish their work, so Anne decided to self-publish the work as an eBook.

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A Call to My Blogging Friends, Publish an RSS Feed for Comments

UPDATE (1/26/08 - 4:08 pm (GMT-7): Look in yonder sidebar! Feed links for posts, site-wide comments, and comments on the current post!

Although email notifications of comments are useful, I'd rather monitor comments and replies to comments via RSS. If you can install a plugin, flip a switch, or just make your existing Commens RSS link more prominent, I'd be much obliged.

This request is somewhat hypocritical, as I do not currently offer a comment feed for this site. That will change soon.

Separation of work and family

I've been blogging occasionally for a few years now. During this time I've mixed my thoughts about work with posts about my family, but no longer.

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